We’re nearing the end of our trip. And for me, this is where the reflection happens. How lucky are we to explore and enjoy each others company. I feel lucky for a lot of things.. Most obviously and importantly, Emi. He has an Adventurous spirit but always has our safety at top of mind. We are still learning about each other, and I know that will continue throughout our relationship as we never stop growing as people I love to celebrate that and welcome it. 

We’re planning the next adventure now, and I’m feeling a shift. I tried out this blog, writing everyday, as a test towards my ability to emote through words, as well as stay consistent. It’s not easy , and the hard part is ahead. Putting it out into the world. To me vulnerable, exposed and raw. In that same breath, I think that is something the world is lacking. And I’m ok being the one to show my imperfections and growth in order to make space for others to grow. I have spent to many years on ships fantasizing about owning something of my own. And I know I am a natural born leader, but I’ve held myself back. The reality of things is that in order to execute my ideas and dreams I have to let go of the comfort a consistent schedule of work provides. As someone who grew up living with financial burdens .. letting go of that safety net that is singing on long Vocal directing is scary. I know by now though that how I work personally is %100 or nothing. I will look at it as an investment. An investment towards myself. And if and when I fail I’ll pivot , learn from that failure and move on. I can only speak for myself. Emi is on his own journey of self discovery and it’s a beautiful thing to watch and experience. We support each other and embrace each others prospective dreams. 

LA Pampa

As we roll back into Mendoza province, passing through a little of La Pampa Province, bringing little towns and hearty homemade food, the air is getting warmer although still brisk, and the excitement of seeing his family is starting to set in. An Asado is waiting for us back home and a hot shower is calling my name. This trip has taught me a lot. Not only culturally but also with my expectations. I subliminally set some expectations via instagram, and at first was disappointed, but soon realized how lucky I was to experience the not so good, as it opened the door to new adventure and education of what Argentina is. A down-to-earth, culturally plentiful, vibrant place.

Thanks for joining us on this journey through beautiful Argentina, I hope you’re inspired to look at some of the more untouched places and celebrate Argentinas beautiful culture. 

Gracias a todos,

Laura and Emi 

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